Working towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


Hameco operates in the field of agriculture, one of the industries which forms a main link between people, planet, and food. Hence it can aid in realising various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The opportunity can be found in renewing the rural scene, providing universal growth to countries as well as generating positive change. All of this has led to the initiation of 20 actions which interlink the various dimensions of agriculture and regional development, with a nation’s more extensive aid programme, providing the basis for resistant and endurable societies.

Thus far Hameco has devoted themselves to two of the 20 actions which include the following: linking smallholders to markets, empowerment of people and combating inequality. These actions are not simply fulfilled but will be perpetual. For the years to come Hameco aims to add the following goals, biodiversity preservation and protection of the ecosystem functions as well as diminishing losses, promoting recycling and sustainable consumption.


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